I love well made movies. Twilight was in no way a well made movie. I'm no expert in film but I know a crappy film when I see it. In addition, as a quote unquote fan of the book, I felt completely unindulged and nearly insulted.
The top 5 things that were wrong with the movie adaptation of Twilight.
5. All the vampire parts were cheesy, overacted and poorly portrayed with the slight (very slight) exception of the actor who played Edward Cullen. Example a. The sexy raver? bad vampires (horrible actors, horrible costumes, horrible casting). These characters should have been much more dark and scary and much less euro trash discotec. I could give about 15 other examples, but I probably have better things to do.
4. The entire La Push scene was bad. The casting for Jacob was effeminate and his character wasn't developed at all. And surfing...really? For being such a major character in the rest of the books I think more character development should have been utilized in this film.
3. The movie, from a film stand point, wasn't cohesive, fluid or well made. First, there were some beautiful angles and scenes that were well made. Other scenes were again, extremely cheesy (flying up trees, HUGE 360 shots, the baseball scene, the "fight" scene). The throwback scenes were bad, really bad. Obviously, I'm not film critic but there were a few scenes that were just embarrassing to watch.
2. Rather then a major motion picture, it seemed like a Mormon made for t.v. movie.
1. THEY DIDN'T INDULGE THE FANS! For having such a HUGE fan base they could have done so much more. I think they were banking on the fact that nearly all the fans are teenage girls and they could just throw a couple kissing scenes and flash a few chest hairs of Edward and all the fans would be satisfied. If you look at any major movie adaptation of a popular series (obviously we look at Harry Potter for an example) they always indulge the fans. I was neither satisfied nor indulged.
I guess that concludes my rant. Sorry to those of you who loved it, but it could have been and should have been so much better.
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